In News

Wishing You a Joyous Passover!!


As we approach Passover, we at Libenu reflect on the themes of freedom, inclusion, and belonging, and how they resonate with our mission of supporting individuals with disabilities to live full and meaningful lives. Like the Jews who were freed from slavery and given the opportunity to build a new life, individuals with disabilities deserve the chance to thrive in a community that embraces and empowers them.

At Libenu, we strive to create opportunities where everyone feels a sense of belonging, where differences are celebrated, and where everyone has the opportunity to contribute and succeed. We believe that true freedom means the ability to participate fully in society, regardless of ability or disability, and we are committed to breaking down barriers and fostering a more inclusive community for all.

As we gather around the Seder table this year, let us remember that the message of Passover is not just one of ancient history, but a call to action for us today. Let us work together to create a world where everyone has the freedom and opportunity to live their lives to the fullest, and where inclusion and belonging are not just ideals, but a reality for all.


Chag Sameach from all of us at Libenu!

Shana Erenberg, Ph.D.


Libenu Welcomes Rep. Kevin Olickal

This past week we were thrilled to welcome newly-elected State Representative Kevin Olickal to our Libenu homes and Lev Respite program. Rep. Olickal had the opportunity to tour our facilities and meet some of our residents, respite children, and dedicated staff and volunteers. We thank Rep. Olickal for taking time out of his busy schedule to learn about Libenu’s programs and to discuss several important pieces of pending legislation that affect individuals with disabilities in Illinois. We are grateful for Rep. Olickal’s commitment to help and support people with disabilities and their families in our community.

State Representative Kevin Olickal visits Libenu’s Lev Respite program.

Libenu’s Lev Respite provides Jewish children, teens, and young adults with disabilities a safe, loving place to play and socialize while developing essential skills as well as opportunities for experiential Jewish learning and gives families a reprieve from the incessant demands of caregiving, time for themselves and other family members, a community of support, and as our data have shown, a reduction of stress and improved mental wellness. We are grateful to JUF for their continued support of this vitally important program.

State Representative Kevin Olickal visits Libenu’s Lev Respite program.

Save the Date for the Event of the Summer!

The Annual Berkowitz Family Libenu Golf Outing

Monday August 28th, 2023


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