By donating to Libenu, you are substantially improving the lives of our community’s most vulnerable members.

Libenu is able to keep their doors open by the generous support of patrons like yourself.

We also gladly accept in-kind gifts and services.

Libenu is incorporated in the United States as a 501 (C) (3) not-for-profit organization. All charitable donations are tax-deductible within the law and support Libenu programs. Thank you for your generosity and support. To support Libenu, please make a donation online or send your tax-deductible donation along with this Donation Form to:


8052 Monticello Ave.

Suite 210

Skokie, IL 60076

Friends of Libenu: $1,000-$5,000

Recognition on website.

BRONZE: $5,001-$10,000

Recognition on website, recognition in video.

SILVER: $10,001-$15,000

Recognition on website, recognition in video, flyer in event bags, promotional giveaway at Libenu events.

GOLD: $15,001-$20,000

Recognition on website, recognition in video, flyer in event bags, promotional giveaway at Libenu events, an invitation to exclusive events.

Platinum: $20,000+

Recognition on website, recognition in video, flyer in event bags, promotional giveaway at Libenu events, invitation to exclusive events, onsite acknowledgment (plaque), host/sponsor event.

DIAMOND: $50,000+

Recognition on website, recognition in video, flyer in event bags, promotional giveaway at Libenu events, invitation to exclusive events, onsite acknowledgment (plaque), host/sponsor event, naming opportunities.

  • American Express
    Supported Credit Cards: American Express, Discover, MasterCard, Visa
  • $0.00