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V’he She’amda – Courage and Resilience


Dear Friends,

As we sit at our Seder tables this Pesach, we once again tell the timeless story of Y’tziat Mitzrayim, our Exodus from Egypt. The Pesach story is rich with the themes of courage, freedom, and resilience that resonates across the ages. This year in particular, the passage “V’he Sheamda,” is a poignant and powerful reminder that in every generation, enemies arise to threaten our peace and freedom, yet Hashem’s protective promise endures: “In every generation they rise up against us to annihilate us; and HaKadosh Baruch Hu saves us from their hands.”

As we recount during the Seder, our survival against all odds can be seen as a testament to the enduring strength and faith and the Jewish people. Despite facing numerous existential threats since its inception, Israel embodies the essence of “V’hi She’amda”—a nation persisting against adversity through a collective resilience and unwavering bravery.

Drawing inspiration from “V’hi She’amda,” we can find personal and communal strength. This passage encourages each of us to stand firm in the face of trials, armed with the courage of our convictions and the bravery to act upon them. It reminds us that our resilience, much like that of Israel, is sustained by the memory of past trials and triumphs, which fortifies us against current and future challenges. In every story of Israeli innovation, defense, and community, there are echoes of “V’hi She’amda”—a pledge that no matter the adversity, the spirit and courage of our people will prevail. As we reflect on this during Passover, let us commit to embodying this bravery in our lives, supporting those in need, standing up against injustice, and building a world where resilience is bolstered by unity and compassion.

At Libenu, we see individuals with disabilities who face and conquer significant challenges everyday. As they navigate a world not always designed for them, they exemplify the strength and spirit of perseverance celebrated during Pesach. Their successes remind us that Hashem’s protective embrace extends to all. This Pesach, as we recount the trials and redemptions of our ancestors, let us also acknowledge and honor the contemporary trials and triumphs of individuals with disabilities. Through Libenu’s supportive community, these individuals not only find inclusion and belonging but also teach us an important lesson about potential of the indomitable human spirit.

May this Pesach renew in us the strength to face adversity with courage, the resilience to withstand any test, and the faith to see the hidden miracles in our daily lives. Just as our ancestors walked forth from Egypt into the light of freedom, may we too walk forward, fortified by our past, toward a future of peace and liberation.

On behalf of all of us at Libenu, we wish you a Chag Kosher V’Sameach.

Shana Erenberg, Ph.D.


Z’Man Cheyrutaynu
The Time of Our Freedom

As we celebrate Pesach, the holiday of freedom, we are reminded that our liberation is incomplete while the hostages remain in captivity. We pray for the swift return of the hostages, for the peace of Israel, and for all humanity.

Rabbi Lau, Chief Rabbi of Israel, sent the following prayer to be recited before the Vhe’ Sheamda. May it be Hashem’s will that it be the Z’man Cheyrutaynu for the hostages and that they will be back with their families for the Seder.


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