Amazing Success During Our Live Love Libenu Online Campaign

You have made a world of difference for Jewish individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Thank you for donating to #LiveLoveLibenu and unleashing the potential that these men and women have locked inside.
Because of YOU, and the incredible support from all our matchers, we’ve succeeded in raising over $675,000 in 36 hours for Libenu!
Your support ensures that we can continue furthering our inclusive, person-centered residential, respite, social, recreational, and vocational services to the community.
We could never have done it without you. Our heartfelt thanks on behalf of all of the people we serve and their families!
You are our hero. You may not don a cape, but you are a champion who #LivesLovesLibenu.
Over the course of the next year, we look forward to showing you how big of an impact you made with your donation. Tizku l’mitzvot and may we all go m’chayil l’chayil, from strength to strength!
Thank you for your support.